Warrior Clan Fanfiction Wiki

Bella padded around nervously. Betulis pack had kicked her out, thinking she was a murderer, but she wasn't. Bella whimpered and licked her wounded leg.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 00:09, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Tilane) I led Vala through the undergrowth and into out parent's den. "How do you like it?" I asked her. Vala seemed uncomfortable. "It's nice," She replied coolly.

"Vala?!" Allya's voice sounded from underneath bush. Her pale gray head popped out and greeted Vala. Vala didn't seem to greet Allya or Ion much. "Um, my name is Viridis, now, not Vala," She said after the greetings.

Pricklestar 00:19, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

Bella heard vocies up ahead. She ran into the nearest den like place, and ran into the wolves. She let out a yelp of fear and limped away quickly.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 00:22, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(RPing Kai) I saw a she-wolf cowering in the distance. I ran up to her. "What's wrong?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:26, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

Bella climbed up a tree, and gazed from it.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 00:28, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(I know this for a fact, wolves can not climb trees. Reason why cats run up them to avoid there domestic ancestors)

"Hey," I said as I looked up at the she-wolf. "I asked if your O.K."

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:32, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(as a fact/or you could say as a dog geek, some dogs like hunting ones can climb small trees to get prey.)

Bella shook her head. She noticed she was on a very low branch and blinked. She leaped down from the tree. "I was kicked out of my pack." whimpered Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 00:34, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(And I am pround to be one! :) But that doesn't matter)

"What's a pack?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:41, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(oh yeah, same here *high fives*) Bella's jaw dropped. "A very large group of wolves. There is a alpha female and male. They have the strongest pups and are the leaders." barked Bella. She layed down so she didn't have to put wieght on her leg.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 00:43, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Oh yeah, and I googled it. Some wolves can climb trees. But only certain ones and they need to be fairly small :))

I nodded. "Is your leg injured?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:46, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(who cares though? This is our own world!) Bella sighed and nodded. "Our Alpha female got it while they drove me out. They accused me of murder, but i didn't do it." whimpered Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 00:48, March 21, 2012 (UTC)


"But why would they do that?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:52, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"Besause i was the lowest ranked wolf. They like to kick out the weakest, and make up lies." murmured Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 00:55, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, that's not very nice," I replied. "You can stay over at my place until your leg feels better, if you like."

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:00, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"O-Okay." murmured Bella. "Oh, what's your name?" asked Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 01:03, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"Kai," I awnsered.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:05, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"I'm Bella." murmured Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 01:07, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"That's a nice name," I awnsered. I stood up. "Can you walk?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:09, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Allya) I heard voices from somewhere east of here. "Come in, we have a nice fat rabbit to eat!" I told Vala-no Viridis. That seemed to cheer her up a tiny bit. Tilane lead her into the woven den. "She doesn't like being here," I whispered to Ion.

Pricklestar 11:44, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"thanks, Kai." woofed Bella. She got to her paws. "I barley can." she barked.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 12:08, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"Then follow me," I said as I led her to my den.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 12:50, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

Bella followed the male wolf. "Nice den." she complimated.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 15:21, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Kadlu) I crashed through the forest with my brother and friend. "Imnek, behind you!" I shouted and saw Tornuaq slash at Imnek's body. Imnek faded and Tornuaq was left, absorbing Imnek's strength. Tornuaq wanted my strength though he didn't care for Imnek's. I had been running all the way from the Arctic but Tornuaq did not give up the chase. "Kadlu, there is a den, where Tornuaq cannot reach us!" Ulva told me quickly. We both ran to the den, only then did we notice it was populated. (They crashed into Kai's den)

Pricklestar 21:21, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"Um, thanks," I replied. Just then, two wolves barged into the den. "Um, hi," I said to them.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:11, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Kadlu) "Quick hide!" i barked.

Pricklestar 22:14, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"What do you mean? This is my den," I said.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:16, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, Tornuaq won't care!" I told the other wolf then ducked under a large hanging bramble.

Pricklestar 22:22, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:24, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"I'll tell you later!" I snarled and pulled the wolf and his friend under the bramble.

Pricklestar 22:50, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Viridis) Tilane took me out to where they use to play. It was late evening. "Remember, we once played here? We created a pack-Nix Pack. I was the alpha male and you were the alpha female..." Tilane woffed to me. I lay down next to Tilane. "Yes, yes I do," I murmured. He turned his head and caught me with his brown-eyed stare. I was in a trance. "Viridis, I missed you! I looked for you everyday!" He told me. I nodded, "I missed you," I replied and he licked my ears. I licked him back. No no, I cannot be in love...he threw me away just as Allya and Ion! He isn't born in the pack. W-What about Romulus?!

Pricklestar 23:05, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

"Hey!" I said as the wolf pulled me into the brambles. (Romulus) I paced around camp, worried abot Viridis.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:22, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Kadlu) "Shush!" I hissed.

Pricklestar 23:54, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

(Viridis) I fell alseep next to Tilane.

Pricklestar 00:01, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

"Have you lost your mind?" I said. (RPing Kai)

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:18, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

(Kadlu) Suddenly Tornuaq crashed into the den. He let out a soft growl but turned away, shadows following him. "He takes others' energy for his own. You cannot kill him or harm him he has too much strength. He always wants strength!" I tried to explain. I wasn't good at southern wolf speak.

Pricklestar 00:22, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

(Dang...) I grabed Bella by the scruff, knowing that she could not run with her lame leg, and ran as fast as I could.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:26, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

(Do not take this personally) "Stupid Wolf, will get himself killed!" Ulva muttered to me but we both ran after him. "Quick, Tornuaq will see us!" I told him. (Are you okay with me creating Tornuaq?)

Pricklestar 00:29, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

(Why wouldn't I be? And you can be mean to my RP cats/wolves as much as you want, just as long as you don't break the rules :))

"Then what do you expect me to do? Sit there and let him kill both of us?" I questioned.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:32, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

"No, he cannot see well, you know!" I said back.I thought a little. "We need to find a small cave, Tornuaq is too big to fit in. Tornuaq has disadvantage because he much bigger than normal wolf. Sometimes bad though, escpecially when trying to escape his paws."

Pricklestar 00:35, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, how am I suppost to know that?" I said. I looked around, then I remembered the Fishing Cave. I ran inside of it. "Hurry!" I called to the others.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:38, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

"Come Ulva!" I shouted to my friend. Ulva eyed the others' suspisiously "Can we trust them?" She asked me I nodded.

Pricklestar 00:55, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

I ran deeper inside the Fishing Cave until I reached the lake's shore.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:57, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

"Wow, this place is cool!" I told the wolf, the added, "I'm Kadlu, who are you?"

Pricklestar 00:58, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

"Kai," I awnsered as I looked down at the underground lake. Small, blind fish swam in it's waters.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:00, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

(Ulva) "Ulva," I told him. I didn't speak much becuase I could barely speak Southern wolvish. (XD Wolvish)

Pricklestar 01:03, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

I nodded.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:07, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, better rest," I said and lay down. (Viridis) I awoke to Tilane whispering, "Time to get up."

Pricklestar 01:09, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

I laid down by the water's edge.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:10, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

(Viridis) I scented rabbit and stood up. "Is it for me?" I asked him, he nodded and I looked at it egarly. "Share?" I mangaged to ask before devouring half of it. Tilane's eyes brighten and he ate the other half more slowly. "I'll be going back soon," I told him. Tilane looked horrified, "Viridis, I thought you would have wanted to stay. Why?" I looked away and thought of how kind Romulus was to me. He didn't excpect anything from me like Tilane and he was the one who taught me that I could hunt if I tried. "Stay, one more day?" He pleaded and I found myself nodding. He rushed forward and nuzzled me. "Okay, okay!" I laughed.

Pricklestar 20:18, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

I saw more small fish dart through the shallow water. Then, a huge, ghostly white giant slowly crept through the water. I bit the fish and brought it out of the water. "Would you like some fish?" I asked the strange wolves.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 03:10, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Oh, if there is plenty," I told Kai. (Kadlu)

Pricklestar 20:56, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Oh, trust me, there is," I awnsered.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 21:00, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

I took a mouthful and was surprised by the taste.

Pricklestar 21:09, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"I know it's not that great," I told her. "But it's food, and because of the packs, we loners don't get much.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 21:11, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Hm, tastes like seal..." I replied.

(Viridis) I showed Tilane my best hunting moves and the sun started to dip behind the horizon. "Now I must go back," I told Tilane. Tilane nodded defeated and replied, "Come and visit often." It sounded like an order. I went back to Umbras Pack territory.

Pricklestar 21:26, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"What's seal?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 21:29, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Maybe you see one when you wish to go to arctic," I tried to explain. "You want to go to arctic?" I asked him.

Pricklestar 21:35, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Um, O.K," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 21:39, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"You know what arctic is?" I asked Kai.

Pricklestar 21:50, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"To the north, right? The place where there is almost always snow and it is very cold," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 21:52, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Yes, where Tornuaq come from, same with me and Ulva!" I told him. I wish I could speak better southern wolf speak.

Pricklestar 22:00, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Why do you speak strangely?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:02, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"I not good at speaking the wolvish you speak. I better at speaking northern wolf speak," I replied. I was having alot of troubles explaining things.

Pricklestar 22:07, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

I nodded.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:08, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

Ulva was already asleep when I lay down. It had been a hard day, and we couldn't stay in this cave forever. Tornuaq would never give up either.

Pricklestar 22:15, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

I fell asleep...

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:19, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

I woke to growling. Tornuaq was waiting us out. But we have fish! I thought. He wouldn't get me today!

Pricklestar 22:30, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

I woke up to that evil wolf growling.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:34, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Is there more fish, in there? When will run out? Is there a secret path to sneak out?" I baffled Kai with many questions.

Pricklestar 22:42, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"There is tons of fish here," I said. "Underwater, there is a tunnel to the ocean, but I have heard that you can travel by swimming and walking on islands that dot the water to an exit. But I don't know where it is."

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:44, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

"Hm, good to know," I replied. I woke Ulva.

Pricklestar 22:49, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

I hopped on to the nearest island. "Do you want to leave now?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:51, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

(Kadlu) "Wait for other to wake!" I told him and looked at the other wolf sleeping. She had came with Kai. "Also, make sure strength is regained. Can you catch another fish? If not, I am capable," I added.

Pricklestar 16:05, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

I nodded, and caught another cave fish.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:10, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

I ate a little of the fish then passed it to Ulva.

Pricklestar 22:47, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

I peered into the crystal clear water below.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:48, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

"Is this cave special?" I asked Kai.

Pricklestar 22:57, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

"Very," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:59, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

"Why?" I asked.

Pricklestar 23:15, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, mostly for religious perposes." I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:19, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

"Hm," Is all I replied.

Pricklestar 23:40, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

I closed my eyes, I wanted to go to sleep but I couldn't.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:31, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

I waited silently. I heart Tornuaq. He was getting restless. He would then try to find another way to get in that he could fit through. He would find the passage within a day of looking. Hopefully we would be gone and he would notice only when he reached deep within the cave.

Pricklestar 00:38, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

(I'm tired of waiting :() I tossed and turned all throught the night.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:43, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

(Well your wait is over!) Bella soon woke and I heard Tornuaq start growling. He would start looking withing the hour. "C'mon, we must go!" I blurted out.

Pricklestar 23:22, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

I nodded, and hopped to the nearst island. "I can get up about half way there, but the rest I have no clue,"I said.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:27, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, it is either now or get caught by Tornuaq!" I replied.

Pricklestar 23:53, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

"Then lets go," I said.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:06, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I followed Kai through the almost complete darkness. It smelled musty and dampness hung in the air like a heavy fog.

Pricklestar 00:14, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

(It's actualy more like Carslbad Caverns Nat. Park) I hopped from island to island. Soon, I could see no other islands close by. "We'll need to swim," I told the group.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:19, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Urg, I hate swimming!" I heard Ulva bark quietly. I splashed into the water, it was very cold and still. I didn't like the feeling of swimming in such strange waters where I couldn't see the bottom.

Pricklestar 00:28, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

'There is nothing down there that can hurt you," I said as I kept swimming to the nearest island.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:37, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Right!" I breathed and tried to think of other things, not harmful water creatures.

Pricklestar 00:39, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, there are leeches, but those are just a bunch of dumb worms," I said as I climbed onto the island.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:41, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Okay," I replied and quickly hualed myself up. I hate all worm things. (Ah leaches D:)

Pricklestar 00:43, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I hopped on to the nearest island.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:45, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I helped Ulva across the leap and jumped myself. I could see a hole in the roof of the cavren, "Are we getting close?" I asked.

Pricklestar 00:47, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Nope," I replied. (Like, eight hours later...) "O.K, now we are," I said.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:51, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I sniffed for Tornuaq's strong scent but found nothing. I had an extremly good nose! I knew he would be on our trail once he found it.

Pricklestar 00:54, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"This is the half way point," I said. "I haven't explored the rest of the cave."

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:57, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, keep lookout!" I said and trudged through the mudy water. (Another hour later) "Kai, I tired, we rest? Also, I see fish, you catch?" I said.

Pricklestar 01:00, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

(It isn't muddy. The water is still so all the dirt slinks to the very bottom) I nodded and caught the fish.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:03, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I sat down. (Sorry)


I gave the fish to Kadlu.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 01:57, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Thanks," I said and gulped down half of it. I left the rest for the others. I didn't mean to leave half for them, but I was so hungry. I couldn't hear or smell Tornuaq. I couldn't tell it he was still pacing at the entrance. (Tornuaq, can ambush them at the opening, if you want)

Pricklestar 11:37, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

(Sure, whatever you want) I caught another fish for Kadlu's friend and ate the half that was leftover.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 12:50, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

We slept, but I woke up every hour, listening for Tornuaq. Finally we rose, but we were not sure if it was morning or not.

Pricklestar 19:58, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Can we go now?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:13, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Yes," I replied and we were on the move again. Suddenly a new sour smell hit my nose. "Tornuaq!" I barked.

Pricklestar 23:24, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Hurry!" I said as I hopped to the nearest island.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:33, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I broke into a run. He was about a little less then an hour behind us, but he would catch up. "Quickly, quickly! Watch here!" I woffed.

Pricklestar 23:37, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I hopped from island to island. "The exit can't be much farther now!" I shouted.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:43, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

"Come, come!" I engoraged and heard Tornuaq closing in on us.

Pricklestar 23:46, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I saw a faint light in the distance. "Run!" I shouted as I dashed closer to it.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:52, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I speed up to my full sped and ran with the others. I glanced back and could see Tornuaq's faint shadow way back at the other islands.

Pricklestar 23:54, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

I leaped and burst through the cave exit. Little did I know it led to a "Waterfall!" I screamed as I fell down along with it's rushing waters....

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:04, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

I tried to stop but was going to fast and went over the waterfall with Ulva and bella. "Hopefully, Tornuaq will not follow!" I barked before splashing into dangerous waters.

Pricklestar 00:10, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

We fell strait into the ocean with a splash. I tasted salt as I gasped for air.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:13, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

I swam up, trying to get out of the thundering water.

Pricklestar 00:17, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

I collapsed onto the shore.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:18, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

I hoast Bella and Ulva up out of the water. "We cannot rest untill we get to the arctic! I know a place where the spirits can find Tornuaq and put him back where he belongs.

Pricklestar 00:21, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

"And how far away is that?" I asked.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:30, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

"Far, very far! I know friends who might be able to help." I told Kai.

Pricklestar 00:34, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

"O.K," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:36, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

I knew Ulva didn't like the idea of always running but first we needed to get out of this cave!

Pricklestar 00:41, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

(They are out of the cave) "Then lets hurry," I said as I ran across the sandy shore.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:44, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

(Sorry) "Do you know of any wolves to help us?" I asked Kai

Pricklestar 00:48, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

"No, not here," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 00:49, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

"Then where?" asked Bella. "I'm sure if we find them, whereever they are, they'll help. Your a nice wolf, i'm sure they'd listen." barked Bella. "Also, can we slow down, it hurts!" whimpered Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 17:21, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"They are on the other side of the cave," I replied. "We can't tell them to come now."

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:22, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

Bella sighed, she thought she would never to pack things again, but she couldn't refuse. "We could howl to them. Us pack wolves always howled to one and other." murmured Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 22:26, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"It will take them too long to reach us, and I don't want to burden them either," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:28, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

Bella nodded. "Can we atleast take a break?!" she whimpered.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 22:31, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"You saw that wolf, if we take a break, we'll be his dinner," I said.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:33, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"W-we could hide? O-Or climb trees!" barked Bella. She felt so despret to just rest her lame limb.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 22:35, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"He'll knock over the trees, and he found our hidding spot last time," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:37, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

Bella felt a shiver go down her spine as she thought of something. "We could lead him to the betulis pack. Saltus is way stronger then him, Saltus just hides. He showed it to me before. And trust me, the whole pack will gang up on that wolf." whimpered Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 22:40, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"This 'Saltus' of yours is not stronger than that monster," I replied. "He seals wolves' powers and uses them as his own. Saltus, and the rest of your pack, will die."

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:43, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

Bella sighed. "So we're going to keep on running until we reach the Arctic?" asked Bella.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 22:49, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"Yes," I replied, plainly.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:55, April 2, 2012 (UTC)

"sorry bella," I said.

Pricklestar 20:53, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

I noticed the sun began to set.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:04, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

"We must rest, Tornuaq will rest too. Even he needs rest," I said.

Pricklestar 22:14, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

I nodded.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:16, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

I scraped away some debris and settled down. Tornuaq would rest, he always rested only on full moons.

Pricklestar 22:19, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

I tossed and turned, but I couldn't fall asleep.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:27, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

It was soon dawn and I woke. I woke Ulva and Bella, but Kai was already half awake. "Kai, you not sleep?" I asked him. I heard a suddenly growl and looked behind us. There is the far off shadowy water fall was Tornuaq...

Pricklestar 22:30, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

"No," I replied as I stood up.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:33, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

Tornuaq suddenly charged at us. "Uh, run!" I screamed.

Pricklestar 22:36, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

I dashed away with the others.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:42, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

"Where will we go? We cannot outrun him?" I asked.

Pricklestar 22:56, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

"I don't know," I replied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:03, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

(Okay I am stumped. I have no idea how they will get out of this...)

Pricklestar 23:13, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

I saw a very, very small cave. "We could hide in there?" I sugested.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:16, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

"Right, too small for Tornuaq!" I replied happily and motioned for te others to follow.

Pricklestar 23:22, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

I slipped into the tiny cave.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 23:25, April 3, 2012 (UTC)

Bella yelped as she tumbled into Kai. "Sorry, this place is small!" she whimpered.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 01:58, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

"I know," I relied.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 02:02, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

Bella did her best to squirm away and get comfy. Her bad leg snatched on something and she held back a cry in pain.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 15:53, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

"Don't move," I said. "It will only make it worse."

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 21:16, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

"But this feels so wrong to me." muttered Bella. She was pressed right up against Kai.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 22:32, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

"Shh," I said.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:35, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

Bella stayed quiet, feeling embaressment crawl through her.{{SUBST:Nosubst|User:Silverwhisker/sig}} 01:55, April 5, 2012 (UTC)

Kadlu and Ulva were sitting side by side holding their breath and watched Tornuaq pass by.

Pricklestar 16:46, April 5, 2012 (UTC)

I dared not to breath as I watched the woolf pass by our cave.

☆ Icewish ☆ May Starclan Light Your Path 22:04, April 5, 2012 (UTC)

Keefe nuzzled a she-wolf when he thought of Breeze... ~Moss

Mountain looked at his paws. Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 03:51, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Bella felt pain well up in her heart. "Oh Qui.....I wish to meet you again but I don't feel like i love as much as a i use to!" she thought sadly.Silverstar 15:27, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

He started to run... Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 15:31, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

When Tornuaq passed, Bella bolted away, doing her best to run with a broken leg. She was still imbaressed being cramped so close to Kai. She continued to run, hoping to find Qui and tell him that they shouldn't be together.Silverstar 15:33, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

He ran faster still... Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 15:34, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Bella heard paw steps behind her, and ran into a tree, blacking out.Silverstar 15:35, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

(was Mountain the pawsteps?)Mountain skidded to halt. Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 15:41, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

(idk. XD) Bella couldn't sleep before, so she was happy to be knocked out.Silverstar 15:43, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

(xD) He sniffed the air. No wolf scent anywhere... Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 15:45, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Bella woke up.Silverstar 15:49, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Mountain decided to create his own territory. Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 15:50, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Bella climbed up a tree.Silverstar 15:51, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

He marked a border... Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 15:52, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Bella scented a border, which she was inside.Silverstar 15:57, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Mountain growled at the she-wolf. "Didn't you notice the border?" he snipped. Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 17:02, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Only if Qui was here, he would teach him some manners! thought Bella bitterly. She laid her ears back. "I was in a tree, and blacked out before i scented anything," she woofed calmly.Silverstar 17:04, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

He wasn't so sure. "You may leave now." Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 17:22, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Bella sighed, and limped away.Silverstar 17:23, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

"Wait! What's wrong with your leg?" Mountain asked. Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 17:27, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

"It's been like that," replied Bella calmly.Silverstar 17:29, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

He looked at her strangely. Silverfang✨"I have a challenge for you, Blueheart,"✨ 19:34, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Bella blinked, and flicked her ear. "What?" she asked.Silverstar 20:11, October 19, 2012 (UTC)

Dawn sat and looked around. Faolanmacduncan 22:59, November 25, 2012 (UTC)

Kai woke up and padded over to Bella.? He growled at Mountain.? Icewish   ♥ 23:13, November 25, 2012 (UTC)

Keefe sighed and padded through the woods. ❄Mossnose❄ ☾It was worth it in the end☽ 20:27, November 26, 2012 (UTC)

Bella looked at the two wolves.  She imeatitly felt insulted by Mountain.  "All becuase my leg's messed up makes you think i'm weak?!" she growled.Silverstar 21:52, November 26, 2012 (UTC)

Dawn overheard the three wolves and went over to the bushes to look, but before she could she stepped on a twig, making a loud noise. Faolanmacduncan 22:53, November 26, 2012 (UTC)

Kai looked in the direstion of teh snapping twig.  Icewish   ♥ 23:12, November 26, 2012 (UTC)

Dawn slinked back. Faolanmacduncan 23:30, November 26, 2012 (UTC)

"Hello?" said Kai.   Icewish   ♥ 23:39, November 26, 2012 (UTC)

Dawn poked her head out, then gasped and ducked back in the bush. Faolanmacduncan 23:45, November 26, 2012 (UTC)

"Um..." he said, confused.   Icewish   ♥ 00:14, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

"Please don't hurt me!" She whimpered. Faolanmacduncan 00:40, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

"Why would I hurt you?" asked Kai.  Icewish   ♥ 00:48, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

"Well, its just that everytime i meet someone, they attack me," she said in the shadows. Faolanmacduncan 00:53, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

"Why?" asked Kai.  "I only attack people who threaten me or my friends."   Icewish   ♥ 02:03, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

Bella padded away, tail twitching angerly.  Suddenly, out of the shadows, something tackled her.Silverstar 17:51, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

Kai growled and was about to attack.  Icewish   ♥ 23:12, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

Bella squirmed under the wolf's wieght.Silverstar 23:30, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

Kai bit the wolf on the shulder and tore him or her off of Bella.  Icewish   ♥ 23:43, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

Dawn watched, eyes wide. Fuzzypelt (talk) 23:46, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

Bella watched frightfully as she wreckonized the wolf, Qui.  Qui lunged at Kai, pinning him down.  He nipped at his neck. He's just playing! thought Bella fearfully.  She leapt at Qui, shoving him off.Silverstar 23:59, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

Kai growled and lunged at Qui.   Icewish   ♥ 00:12, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Qui kicked Kai's jaw.  Bella sunk her fangs into Qui's ear, and yanked him to the ground.Silverstar 00:18, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Kai attacked Qui's face, causing him to bleed badly.  Icewish   ♥ 00:27, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Qui barred his fangs.  "Why is my mate attacking me?!" he spat to Bella.  Bella sniffed.  "I told you we were losing intrest in eachother!  Its time we follow seprate paths," growled Bella.Silverstar 00:37, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Kai growled.   Icewish   ♥ 01:19, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Dawn padded up to them and growled. Fuzzypelt (talk) 01:53, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Qui barred his fangs, heartbroken, and left.  Bella turned to Kai, pain in her eyes.  "I-I'm so sorry, look what he did to you!" she whimpered, putting some cobwebs on a wound.Silverstar 15:50, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

"I'm fine," said Kai.  "I'm more worried about you."   Icewish   ♥ 23:39, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Bella blushed.  "I don't have a lot of wounds," she woofed.Silverstar00:42, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

"Anything I can do?" Dawn asked. Faolanmacduncan 00:43, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

"But," said Kai.  "What kind of wolf is he if he treats his own mate that way?  You deserve better."  Icewish   ♥ 00:55, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

Bella blushed again, but turned her head.  "He's not my mate anymore, we were typicly just dating in the first place," she murmured.Silverstar 18:02, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

"I see," said Kai.  "But still, you don't see me, or anyone else for that matter, running arround attacking she-wolves that they once loved?"  Icewish   ♥ 23:10, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

Bella sighed, ears back.  "I never felt true love for him, Kai.  I-It doesn't really matter to me what he did," she murmured, eyes shining.  Her ears then pricked.  "You once loved a she-wolf?" she woofed.Silverstar 23:14, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

Keefe watched from a distance. I onced loved someone..... and I let her go like a stupid, stupid fool. ❄Mossnose❄ ☾It was worth it in the end☽ 14:40, December 1, 2012 (UTC)

"Well...yes, very much so," he said.  Icewish   ♥ 17:03, December 1, 2012 (UTC)

Wish it was me.... thought Bella sadly.  She shook her head.Silverstar 21:08, December 1, 2012 (UTC)

"But...." said said.  He couldn't seem to explain.  Icewish   ♥ 21:19, December 1, 2012 (UTC)
